Saturday, November 27, 2010

Columbus Ohio Brazillian Blowout

nostalgia for lost places you have not, you have it only for a lost time!

Now I'm already over 3 months here in Ecuador and it is already time for my first progress report for the Weltwaerts program, then later I will publish here on the blog!

Unfortunately, there are currently many problems in the project in which I work. The project is managed by the volunteers here, although we really should be used only for support.
This result for us far too long hours, virtually no free time and responsibility for 18 young people. Cooperation with our boss, with the psychologist, social worker and the other Volunteers as a team does not always optimal.

It is already several times happened that our boss James before the children talked bad about us. For us as volunteers, it is anyway difficult to get respect from the children because they come from quite difficult circumstances and have therefore enjoyed no good education. When James then use about even denigrates our children from the course for yourself. Do you mean the right to have our work concretise and tell us what we have to do.

We also have very few rights. We are in many ways among the children. For example, we may not use the music, for they could go broke, the However, children already. Even when eating the children come first and then we wake to. Nor shall the children öffters longer and use the Internet.

Our boss complains unfortunately much rum in our work and says we would not be enough (for a day over 13 hours!).

We also now have just one key ring for all volunteers, which means that we must constantly look for the keys, and then sometimes it has taken anyone by mistake when he left the Granja. The
Schluesselsuchen already starts at 8 o'clock in the morning (we do have free until 8:30, but after 8 h there is no breakfast for us more, if at all then something is there).
The cook is then just at home and the kitchen too. Accordingly, we of course need the keys, which could be everywhere. If they can not be found, we can not eat first.

we can now only wash once a week. Each has its proper washing day and laundry detergent, we will pay for itself now, arguing that it would cost little more than a beer a month. Where we of course do not consume alcohol or smoke any cigarettes with us allowed. James himself, of course, already, even though he claims not to do.
The regulations for the national volunteers are even stricter. They are generally not allowed to smoke or drink and have no girlfriend. In addition, they have never been free (no Weekends), except at Christmas for a few days.

addition James is always stormed into our house without knocking, when something disturbs him again. Which means that we have less privacy, as we have anyway, because some child always knocking on our door and some would like.

next week Monday or Tuesday we have a conversation with all employees, the Padre, Vladimir (an important person from the project in Quito) and the head of my organization here.
If circumstances do not improve, then pull Ciko and I in a host family in order not to have to work constantly. If that's still not help, then we change the project to a Another project to Quito.

The Everything should be up to 20 December, decided.

So until then, Best regards!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rust Around Drain In Bathtub


On the last weekend in October, we, Ruth, Brian and I, we indulged in a bit Vacation: A weekend in Kribi!

Kribi is a small port city in southwest Cameroon, on the Atlantic coast. On Thursday afternoon we go. We travel once again by "public transport". Actually, we want to start by two clock to Bamenda. The van is full but only at half past four and star ready. This time we have a terrified goat as luggage on the roof that can cry incessantly four and a half hours. As long as we do that is until we finally reach our stop Bamenda. Fortunately, the German volunteers of Bread for the World, "who live in Bamenda, we already bought tickets for the night bus, so that we, after a brief dinner in the next can enter bus that goes to Douala. The night bus is very large with five seats in a row and a total of 70 seats. You have to adjust the seat while sharing with someone, but as comfortable as in a German coach is not. At 9 clock is the departure date. From then on the third driver quite vigorously every five minutes on the accelerator, or stroke testing moves forward two feet, to indicate that all are aboard. In the meantime you can listen to a talk about a miracle cure for rubbing the skin, which is to prevent against all possible and help. And the Cameroonian buy it! Vial to vial is brought to the people. The Seller rhetoric is really very good. In conclusion, she says to me. "This also helps in whites," When I make no attempt to buy a bottle, she adds, "But you've determined something better"
At half past ten, including the huge bus rolls through Night transport of Bamenda. As this bus on the holey roads varies I have never seen on any ship. But soon it comes on the paved highway to Douala. After seven hours, and fairly quiet sleep we arrive in Douala. It's muggy and proclaim the taps on the bus that will soon light. Once the sun has risen, we take a taxi to the bus after Kribi on the other end of town. Here we want to Mona, the German doctor meet. We do not have the time and eat only once an omelet with bread! For we are nearly in France, so in the French part of Cameroon. Punctually at half past nine starts, the bus and we start the last leg of our journey.

After two hours of driving through the rain forest has a very good road, we see the ocean and arrive in Kribi. Actually it's pretty crazy that we take such an odyssey for two days on us, but it was worth it.

Kribi is the most touristy place in Cameroon. This is evident in part because many roads are paved and there are a few Restaurants and shops are, but mass tourism has not materialized. It is a small Cameroonian town where most still live off fishing.
First we strengthen ourselves with a bean French bread, French bread with cooked beans. It tastes good.

We are looking for a hotel.
We are in a small hotel in right on the beach. From the terrace you can see the sea and we are moving to first and jump into the water. The Atlantic is warm bath with at least 25 degrees.
builds on the white sandy beach, sitting Brigitte again contacts with Cameroonians, which are then totally free, well for a phone number, four coconuts get open and. Then we will take a long walk on the beach.


Maybe I will now speak better the pictures, because as best I can describe it simply:

The only thing we notice is negative, that except us four old French in the hotel are the delight of their young Cameroonian girl. Even at the beach
us men by their thirty years younger women and hybrid babies. In the city we also see two fat blonde women in their fifties, which grip very much in love to a young Cameroonians.
One hotel employee tells me that he also find it perverse. But what he should do if mainly make those visitors here on holiday.

evening we naturally eat fish. You can even eat in the hotel French, but that will cost nearly as much as in France, and finally we are in Cameroon.
you realize that you are in a tourist town. Here is much more going on than in Kumbo, where people go to sleep at eight. Drive it many cars and motorcycles through the streets and everywhere music. It is sold on every corner grilled fish, Grabbing and skewers.
And it's warm, rain forest indicated. I probably ate a bit much by the pepper sauce for fish, I start to sweat and it will somehow did not stop. wanted

After a bit are walked through the city and drank a beer, we go by motor taxi back to the hotel where we sat really still time on the beach. But it starts to rain, we are finally in the rain forest. And so we remain seated for a while at the hotel bar.

The next morning we search for a tasty breakfast. In Kribi, there is a supermarket with a bakery! You can buy as much. Croissants, apple turnovers, fruit juices, salami and candies such as Snickers or gummy bears. That sounds not very much, but for us it is something special. All this because there are not in Kumbo.
On the road we still let us peel a papaya. We find it funny that it takes three people to peel a papaya and packed.

On the way back to the hotel we walk past the harbor, where the morning fish market.

do after breakfast on the beach we go to the waterfalls of Lobe (Chutes du Lobé). These are described in the guidebook as the largest waterfalls in Africa, falling into the sea. After a short bike ride we arrive.
The waterfalls are truly impressive. A little annoying is that we are all the time zugelabert of two blacks who do not understand that we do not wish to go along for 10,000 francs in their boat once before the falls.

On a sand bank, we can run several hundred meters out to sea and enjoy the waterfalls from a distance. Then we decide we do not back down, but to run back. Many miles of sandy beach in front of us and behind every rock opens up a new panorama.
We count all four hotels, each with no more than 20 rooms. Otherwise, the beach is largely undeveloped and the rain forest reaches almost to the water.
Here we also see a live green snake, which is halved but unfortunately before our eyes by a Cameroonian with a machete.

go after a last swim in the sea and the sun set we to the port where you can eat very good fresh fish.

direct at the port are under one roof 10 small "restaurants" with a sink and a grill. One can sit down here and order something to drink. The fish we pick in advance, then negotiate the price and let it cook. You really get everything that was caught on the day. Fish, grabbing, lobster, shrimp.
We have a cod, a grouper and shrimp selected. It tastes really yummy, but also very expensive. At these prices, we are no longer used. 2,000 francs for a fish! The 3.08 €.

sat next to us, four Cameroonian men at the table who speak to us of course immediately and very quickly say that they want to marry one of the women.
Mona and I spend as a couple, with his two daughters on vacation in Kribi. Mona is thus spared marriage proposals. And since I am the father and the only one who understands French, I get the best stories and arguments offered, why they are so in love and want to get married. A Muslim even wants to be Catholic, so he can marry Ruth.

After lunch we leave our last evening out on the beach because it is not raining today. We have a beautiful starry sky. So many bright stars and one sees well only in Africa. You get the feeling that the sky arched by all those sparkling lights like a dome above you.

And the next morning, finished our vacation in Kribi. After a nice breakfast at a canteen in a nondescript back yard, where there are Omelette with French bread, at 6.50, the bus from Douala. Our return trip
run smoothly. Without much waiting, we get the next bus and get pretty down by 10 clock at night in Kumbo. Especially the last track in the car to Kumbo on unpaved road is hard, especially for Mona, because they share the seat with the driver and must, as she says, sitting on the hand brake.

But overall the weekend was beautiful, and on Monday we had to get up all tired and work.


South Park Onlinesubtitles Eng

Teachers in St. Augustine

Today I want about my work as a teacher in St. Augustine's College report.
First I tell something to the best school system in Cameroon. With two or three years starting for the children for school life. Started two years Nursery school, struggling with their teaching methods Brigitte, my roommate, is just added. It is ruled as a discipline in a school, the children must sit on benches and it is taught primarily in English.
with at least five years will be for six years in the Primary School. With eleven years the students go to another school, the Secondary School. After five years, followed by two years of high school, according to which one is admitted to the university.
Compulsory education ends after the Secondary School or if you can not pay school fees. The school fees shall be applied solely by the parents.

between the schools there are of course differences. There are government schools, which cost about 30,000 francs (48 €) per year. The are so cheap, because the classes are extremely high. In a class are between 100 and 200 students. The teacher in a government school are also better paid. However, lacking the control of whether and what the teachers teach. The teacher of a public school can thus confidently times insert a long weekend.
Private schools (Catholic, Muslim or Protestant) have a much better education, but if only because the classes are smaller (40 to 60 children). They are also more expensive. School fees can be between 60,000 (96 €) and 100000 (150 €) Francs per year. If we calculate that a teacher in a private school 130 000 francs earned in the month, the tuition is required by two students to pay the teachers. The school fees of 24 students is only used to pay the teachers a year. This includes all other costs for buildings, electricity, etc. come Administration
school materials like books, must of course be purchased by all pupils.
education is thus very expensive, especially when you consider that in the villages, the people only by their agricultural products, live from hand to mouth. Such families are lucky if they have a thousand francs in the month available, because they could sell three pineapples. And thus the school fees of 30,000 francs per year plus books for a child really prohibitive (10 children in a family are not uncommon).
In my school, students are being sent home, have paid their school fees in full. If they come back with money it is good if they can not stay home.

The Diocese of Kumbo financed with the support of the Children and Missions in Germany and the diocese of Limburg, the school fees of 1,800 orphans and vulnerable children a year. This seems very much. But one must remember that there are in the diocese over 7000 orphans. With a total population of 735 000 people is just under 1%.

But now to my teaching: The St. Augustine's College is a Catholic boarding school with 800 pupils, the secondary-school and high school includes. I teach two classes in Form II (the second class of secondary school) mathematics. Besides me, there is a white teacher, a English priest, who teaches English.

The school system here is quite different, but no one says to me what I do. I have a school book (after two weeks) and my schedule yes ... and then get lessons!
Previously, I had to fight in long discussions that I do not teach form III, simply because my English is not sufficient to account for vectors and matrices. But already a part of the mentality here. Many believe that if you're white, you can do and knows everything. The arguments of the teachers were: "Maths and English is so simple, that's the easiest language in the world. ? Where is there's a problem "My argument was:". I am not a teacher, had never taught and would rather do with less abstract topics "After several discussions with the headmaster, I can now; form II teach.

In a class 43 and the other 36 children of eleven to thirteen. Meanwhile, I have found that the children there are just not used to a lead class discussions, or think for yourself! You get everything here written on the board what they learn by heart. I have it but not yet given up, that they be encouraged to find themselves a solution.
A secondary school is less a comprehensive school. The books are but Cambridge level. If students understand what the teacher writes on the blackboard, it is good, if not the student is just stupid and / or lazy. Cares anyway if you have a Test passes or fails. Ultimately, parents decide whether someone repeated the school year or not, because ultimately pay the school fees.

With so many students and especially the speed with which we must move forward in the book, it is actually impossible to respect the fact that all students understand the topic. And that's not just me. About a third of my students have such deficits that one wonders whether it is present in the last three years in math classes were.
although I try sometimes to repeat how to do arithmetic with fractions and multiplied, but this is really no time.

This is something that most likely is brought here to teach the usual way. I participated a few times on my teaching colleague. She is a 23-year-old nun, who taught Form I and III.
It is a small, petite person, but is in a class of dead silence. The most important thing first discipline. If someone comes too late, he must kneel down the rest of the hour before dinner. If someone is disturbing is not loud or busy with classes, there are mind bending, pulling on the ears or the nurse comes to the floor.

That's not so bad. After all, the class is quiet. What I find much more serious is that only the right answer counts. Once the whole class had the Beginning of the hour kneel. Until someone said a correct answer, he was sat down. Over two-thirds of the class were kneeling the whole hour. If one is humiliated or punished for a wrong answer, of course, no one dares to say something.

contrast, my teaching is a circus, though I think the class of 40 students is very quiet. I manage to motivate more students to participate actively in class. But they are difficult to move, to devise their own solution or answer to a question whose answer I did not say before that time or which have just in the book. I always tell my students that it is not bad wrong thing to say. For how can you understand something if you do not understand why it can not be something else.

These are mainly problems of mathematics education. There is always a shortage of math teachers. The result, especially in the lower classes and the Primary school teachers are employed, which probably have no understanding or even enthusiasm for math. The foundations will not just be placed.

something different, which runs through the entire Cameroonian society, that does not reason like something better, more effective, simply can proceed differently. Just ask the question again: How can I build my teaching so that students understand it better? Many teachers follow the textbook (for that has not written a wiser professor) and continue to work with the methods that have taken over their fathers by the colonial masters. This culture, not to question and just do what you have learned or have said, reminds some of the Middle Ages. On the one hand, one can not expect that people have learned here fifty years after the end of the colonial era to criticize the other, it is something I just do not understand how one's life can not even take in hand.

is also the school still far away, to coordinate the curricula of individual subjects to each other. I once browsed in a chemistry book. How are the students the graph representing the change in the density of mercury as a function of temperature, could understand if they draw in math class is not even the graph of a proportional function?

discipline is not only in teaching across the countryside. In our school there is a "Disciplinemaster. Is not a teacher but only asked to punish students and to maintain order. In an offense, the student to "Disciplinemaster" ordered and punished, no matter what he has made. As the punishment looks like in detail, if one is appointed "Disciplinemaster" I've noticed yet, but on the first day I was asked by him if I wanted to have a stick, he would have bought nice new sticks. (The students report that the sticks break often.)

And I am confronted with situations that you will find no home in Europe.
a teaching situation once was: I try to explain exactly a new topic and suddenly jumps to half of the class: "Sir, can we depend on our clothes go? "
My reaction was first" No, we have classes, "" but it starts to rain! ". So what else can I say. So I stop teaching for a quarter hour to let the children depend on their clothes.

And how will evaluate the students in Cameroon? I asked another math teacher, as the staff was there. First I had to explain that in Germany there is a rating system from one to six and I just do not know how it is handled here. In response I get: "Maybe a points system to 14 or to 20 That you can choose you. are available for the exam it shared a common system that I know now but maybe not. ... ???...

What is a big problem yet: the name! First, the African or English name in itself. And then all look the same. The same school uniform, the same close-cropped hair. In the beginning I only recognized on the trousers or skirt, whether it's a boy or girl. Now I can differentiate the faces already.
You meet but often on German names, such as Matilda, Elizabeth, Wilfried, Agnes, Herbert, Clothilde, Johanna, Stephanie, are also very close to German.

Friday afternoon I still have a German club, where I teach German. The club is voluntary and there is still hissing other clubs to choose from that are at the same time. But which is the greatest? The German club.
110 students sitting there without any textbook or instructional materials and want to learn from my German. It works pretty well, because in the repetition, the students are great. The students are also very interested to learn them German. Partly because of the college's partnership with St. Ursula in Geisenheim, but also because many Cameroonians dream to come to Europe or to study in Germany.
It's really fun to teach German and thanks to the German book that I brought , I also know about how can I build my teaching.

The chapel, the most important building

Then I like to imagine the daily routine of a student. The day of a boarding school student is planned down to the last minute:

is up this morning by 5 clock. Students have time to wash themselves and their clothes. Clock is at 6:15 Mass. Of course, everything required, even for the non-Catholic students. They must not pray with, just be present. There are definitely many students with a different religion in church schools. At 7 clock is breakfast, a piece of sweet bread and English tea.

clock at 7:20 is "Morning Assembly", morning roll call. All students are arranged in rows by class and gender on the large square in front of the school. Monday, all teachers must also be present. First, an Our Father and Hail Mary prayed and then sang the school song, the Vatican flag is hoisted. This is followed by the Cameroonian national anthem, hoisted the understanding that the flag of Cameroon.
now makes a speech, first the head teacher, then, different teachers or the school spokesman something . Reported Mostly it's about rules that were violated, the school fees, which have not been paid or the upcoming trials, etc.
A rule, for example, that students may have no electronic devices. Way, there are also outlets that are accessible to students.

begins after the morning roll call at 7:45 of the teaching clock. Each class has its changing room and the teacher after 45 minutes. Every day, everyone, no matter what grade, 8 hours continuously with a 20 minute break after the fourth hour.

Each student has his own desk, where his school would be. - It is difficult to be seated to change. That was the only time where I lost control of the class, namely, when 40 children at the same time pushing her desk by the class and begin to argue about who sits where .-

The school bell

At 14 : 10 clock it goes to lunch, every day there is the same: rice with sauce.

After a longer break, where students have time to sleep or to watch their laundry, and all must be in their classes at half past three and resume there the afternoon studies. This means do homework and learn. In this time mainly the class representative responsible for ensuring that the class is quiet and learn.

at 5:45 it goes to the evening service in the chapel. Then there is dinner, the same as for lunch. Then be resumed at half past six the night to study at 9 clock.

At 9:30 clock is dead silence, dead silence. The students live in different houses by the way: for example, St. Andrew, St. Joseph, St. Anne, a bit like Harry Potter. The houses also carry football games against each other.
house perhaps too much has been said. A house consists of a room that is a bit larger than a classroom and in the tightly packed bunk beds are made of wood. This sleep around 100 students, old and young mixed, because the elderly need to maintain order in the dormitory. Each house has a small bathroom. On one wall, ten rows from the other ten showers toilets and in the middle a couple of taps.


The sports field

Tuesday and Saturday afternoon, the students sport rather than studies or "Manual Labour "Community work in the field or as the dining room clean. Friday is "Club Time", where there are, among other things my German club, dance, music, or art clubs. On Sundays, the students, after the show, of course, to learn time and in the afternoon even free! When I asked

why the students have so little free time, had I been told that the students are here to learn and not to have fun. And anyway, the students get to eat here and do not have the afternoon to work on the farm.

Now I have a lot written about the things that are different than in German schools and the school situation perhaps a bit too is negative. Again, there are
normal children as well as German, laugh a lot and have fun. You do not think that they learn better or more motivated, just because their parents, the school cost so much money.

is also equipping the classrooms not bad. In the chemical and biological areas in the higher classes to practical work and experiments carried out. Especially the computer lab with 20 computers and the Internet offers the possibility that in all years, the subject "computer" can be taught. This will include the benefits of a private school.

The chemistry lab (even the new water connections installed, so the ground ripped open) and the chemistry collection

the beginning it was very difficult to find your way around, especially since I have found not only an entirely foreign school system, Sprachekonfrontiert the problems was another, and have received no instructions to teach as I do.
I'm still not sure if it's good that I teach, as high school graduate with no experience. But if I compare with other teachers or the success of my teaching with her own benefit, the students certainly from me.

Greetings from Kumbo


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Milena Velba Bilder Free

My life in the project

Hello my friends!

So here on my blog not to give the impression that I would only stay here and enjoy life, I write to you today a little of my life here in the project "Chicos de la calle" on the Salesianos La Granja (farm) Don Bosco in the vicinity of Ambato.

My day starts at half past eight, when I get up. Then I make ready and have breakfast (often, unfortunately, rice!), Then to go at half past eight in the Oficina (Office) from the social worker Diana. She tells me then what's to do in the morning. The children at the time are mostly in school, although they have quite often freely from a variety of reasons. If that's the case, or when new guys come into the project, which still have no school place, the other four volunteers (Hermel, Andres, Kevin, Ciko) and Pursuing the children. Then we make with the children such as sports, Rooms to clean the houses, or care for the children with their homework. If the children are in school, however, tells me to Diana other tasks. Often I have to escuela (primary school) or colegio (high school) to me to inquire whether the guys who live on the Granja and between 11 and 16 years old, behave well in school and how their grades are. But I usually go with one of the national volunteer at school. Alone I would not even understand everything, tell what the teachers.

Once I drove together with my boss James and Hermel to a escuela. Since the boss was, we went by car. Otherwise, we walk or take the bus. In any case, sat Hermel and James, who is often just called "injeniero" because he has studied the front. We talked a little, and James asked me if I would really take off because if I came back home. I then said I would like to study after this year and so happy to move to another city would then live without my parents. I also said that it was in Germany as usual. (In Ecuador, most women live with their families until they marry and then move with her husband. Alive So for example, the social worker (24 years) even with her family.)
then began to James laugh and nudges Hermel, and burst out laughing: "Look Oh, that's really like in the movies!"

If we are not in school in the morning have to go to shop with me, prepare for another day, helping in the kitchen, sort the files of the children or doing something on the PC. Total of of my work almost always something the whole morning, but my work could just as well make the social worker or psychologist who works full time, unfortunately, in Facebook, instead of seriously taking care of the problems and concerns of children.
In any case, I would have gladly released the mornings, because my day starts here, just getting started. Gina, the head of vase, my organization here in Ecuador in the next few days to talk with the Padre (Father) of Salesianos and ask if Ciko and I have the mornings free.

at 12:45 h, we then prepare the dining room for the guys in front of the Granja and about 70 other schoolchildren. This means: put down chairs, tables, wipe, distribute cups and spoons, Jugo (juice) and broth distribute and carry the food from the kitchen over.
at 13:15 the children will then be formatted before eating space. The boys in a row, the girls in a row and the boys of the Granja (there are now 20, as 2 new have come) in an extra row. So they know when there is food, the siren that is sounded like a fire alarm is activated and quite loud.
After all formatted, we shall sometimes Haendedesinfektionszeug for the children, then prayed and sometimes even played a little game. Then the children are allowed in the dining room and then we distribute the food, which is always rice with chicken and a little salad. If each child has eaten something, we go with the rest geblebenen presided over in the kitchen and eat something herself. The food is then of course, usually more or less cold and a lot of time to eat is never, because at 14:10 it's already on with the homework. There I had a wonderful group, consisting of about 10 children (including girls !!!). The children in my group are about 9 years old and in grade three. The homework does to understand a lot of fun, even if it sometimes is difficult for me to do their homework and questions. This takes it to 15:45, where the children can go play when they are done (actually read or are they there to learn, but of course that does not make sense I do not think that children want to play sometimes).
There is a wide street in front of the Granja, have to cross the children must walk every day another volunteer with the road. Previously, the children have to reformat again, and pray, which is pretty annoying, because the children have no desire to come and format itself.

general every day is a volunteer responsible for the fact that everything works. My day is always in charge Thursday. As such, I find that, with the relevant days now makes sense, but you will be quickly held accountable for things that can prevent or have not been able to screw up the other. One can not always be everywhere, for that is the Granja simply too great.

about 16 hours then continue with the AGs. Tuesdays and Thursdays and I have Ciko together founded a Grafitty-Ag, the important really good and the boys. First, they still practice drawing and in a few weeks we will be spraying. If the AG is over, we want perhaps starting a circus-AG, because the guys can juggle pretty well, for example, and it also like to do (maybe have also deserves some of their money earlier at red lights on the street?) On the other days is sports, the boys then usually play football. Sometimes we also carry out actions. We Were you eat with a few children in the center of an ice cream. Another time, we have carried out a Muellsammelakrion, each child was given garbage bags and an hour. In the end, the garbage bags were weighed and gekuehrt the first three winners. Or do we work in the fields planting with the children or something.

In between, there are still a type of coffee drink, which consists of either a fruit or popcorn that prepare the responsible volunteer or get, but have mainly dealt. Ciko and I have to write down caught, who has already got something else because the kids always try to get more, or say they have not yet come. If anything is left over we have to be careful always in a good mood, because the children can unfortunately quite fast and good things can disappear.

After the groups of the boys have to take a shower then at 18h, which they unfortunately have no desire. Many also do not understand why they felt the need for a shower and have a different Hygieneverstaendnis and hold the argument that it does not smell good either as offensive or as convincingly. Consequently, this time usually the most stressful.

order is about 19:00 then food, the other by a cook, as prepared in the morning and at noon, which is totally sweet. It requires that children who have the service or help Kuechendienst.

After the food is still the "Buenas noches" in which we make bracelets, beibrigen the children a little German and English, some crafts, watch a religious movie, sing and play guitar or mandalas paint depending on what day it is even.
The mandala painting has to relaxing music works really well. The boys were relatively quiet and calm. If someone else has a good idea of what we could do with buenas noches, I am always grateful for good tips;).

22h have to order the children are asleep then.

We the "Systema de Ficha", comparable to the well-known from the educational system token, the previous volunteers have taken over. This means that the children get for anything they do on the day, ie from buenas dias buenas noches to the Smileys, either happy, normal or look sad. for 20 children and about 8 criteria that is pretty much work. The panel, to which we stick all the smiley faces is about 1.2 times 1.8 m tall and has a correspondingly large number of smiley faces. At the end of the week the winners of the system will receive a prize, eg pizza or pancakes. to threaten with bad Smileys therefore works very well if the children do things again that will not do. One child has been introduced since this system we have turned 180 degrees and even won last time! In any case, we have to stick in the evening nor the Smileys, and often falls asleep one of the volunteers (the national Volunteers have to get up as early as 6 hours to wake the children).

In any case, I have therefore no time to get to get out of the project and hope very soon to get the mornings free to then irgentetwas to do sports (3 times a day travelers have left their mark), Ambato to go to the center and go to school.

So now you know what I'm exaggerating here, the all day. More important to me is why the weekends when I come here, get away, because to live in the project has been exhausting, loud and stressful than I had imagined. Generally, it is the only volunteer in adolescent boys very stressful and difficult. am After the year I toughened in any case, what hygiene, wisecracks, violence and so much more concerned

Now on my last weekend! On Monday and Tuesday were holidays and so I worked on Saturday and then get on Monday still free. So it went on Saturday night in for me to Cuenca. I went for the first time so long (7 hours) alone bus. There I met up with almost all the volunteers from Quito. On the long weekend in Cuenca were fiestas with music, concerts, parties and great markets. In addition, we were in a nature park, where they are grown up into a mountain, which was at the height quite stressful and in some cases quite sharply.

The weekend was all around great! I'm at on Wednesday evening went back again and have to work again today.

Now is the entry made in any case far too long and my Internet connection away. We'll see when I publish the entry then!

greetings to Germany!