Monday, December 27, 2010

Mysore Mallige Free Film


On 19 December Stephen and I go to the village Mfumte. This is one of the places where the children fall in the race almost, if they encounter a white person, because have never seen one.
In preparation for our three-day tour, I get told Mfumte is most remote parish in the whole diocese and all I had thought about Africa before I came here, this should apply: a place in the bush, snakes, thatched mud huts and dirt children playing.
Now on to my experiences in Mfumte: On the bike it starts on Sunday afternoon, packed with long pants, rain jackets and scarves wrapped around the head and neck, so that only nor the eye see out. Not because it is cold or even raining, but because we drive on the main road north of the "Ring Road" in a cloud of dust into the next. What was still mud in the rainy season, is now a centimeter thick as red-brown, very fine dust on the road or is, after the wheels of a Toyota up the hill have dug, stirred up in the oncoming air to find. So I'm sitting
with my backpack full of all sorts of vital things, among them 2.5 liters of water, as a passenger on the bike and hope that we soon reach the jungle.
But before we leave the main road, we need a break in the city Ndu lodge, drink Guinness and buy one of those sweet breads, as were such a good thing it is not in Mfumte. Then we move on. As the traffic density decreases, the more one approaches Mfumte, I can take off my jacket, under which I'm starting to sweat yet. After three hours we reach a junction. This last piece of the road that lies before us is through a mountain range and is not easy to know God. Only a few cars would be driving here in the rainy season and can no. I believe every word, partly because the road is to not recognize, but a furrowed mud, rocks and debris band, aufgabelt sometimes in the head-high grasses, loses yet again gets together.
When we have passed the highest mountain, I can see the houses of the first village of Mfumte. The sun is low and is in the air the smoke of bush fires that turn places the dry grass at a rapid pace to ashes.

We drive through the first village, Kom, on the marketplace, there are the only five square cell phone reception and then head toward the parsonage. It is situated on a hill next to the small church. We meet Father Edwin, who is disguised as a woman just in front of the house and make-up of ten children can, because they practice for the flu game and he plays a queen.
I get my room shown. Father Edwin has built everything themselves and it is very well equipped. There is a bed and even a bathroom with toilet and shower, where I can wash off the red powder, which has yet to set my skin. There's even power there in the rectory of the solar system next to the "rest place" where I sit a day later and write this report would be.
the first church of Mfumte

entirely, as the sun disappears behind the mountain peaks, Stephen and I take the prayer in the church in part to mark the conclusion of Sunday Youth program forms.

the congregation

For dinner, there is spaghetti with tomato sauce. Something unexpected for me and also for Father Edwin, who says that he just was in the process, his cook to learn. At dinner I learn something about the parish. Mfumte consists of 14 villages, some of which are so far apart or so inaccessible that it is driven by faster than Kumbo there. Only five of the 14 villages are accessible by car. They are two priests, one is but just in a place where there was never a Catholic priest. The parish has existed for eight years. I am dying Of course, the question of whether it is good people to do missionary work here or whether something is rather destroyed.
a question whose answer will become clear in the course of my stay.

clock at six in the morning is fair. I think though, why go back so early in the church? But I'm on at 5:30 so I can enjoy the sunrise. As it slowly brightens and awakens nature. The many voices of birds in the trees at the foot of the hill announce the morning, just as the chickens of the pastor. They prefer to sleep in a tree and it is fun to watch as one after another thirty chickens fluttering down from the branches.
The church is empty, but fills up during the service, so are other than us ten members of the community there. Sitting in the small room on a wooden bench to look through the windows as the sun rays pave gradually find a way through the haze and tickle the treetops on the slopes, feel the fresh cool morning air in the nose and hear the voices of thousands of birds while two chickens from the altar and abstolzieren, can even dare to believe that this valley is a unique creation of God. The rest of the world is strange. Inconceivable that somewhere in the world together people crammed into a subway ride to work.
on the Gospel follows the sermon. It is amazing what is possible interpretation to the conception of Mary. Father Edwin preaches about the laziness. One issue that we had at dinner. He said that people here are incredibly lazy. Basically they would grow corn, cassava and coco-yams. Actually it is because of the climate possible to have two maize crops per year, but this did not have them.
Father Edwin himself, who has planted this year, his three thousandth pineapple plant, Ananas next year will reap more than anyone else in Mfumte.
The sermon goes something like this: If you sit with folded arms in the kitchen, with folded arms in the school, with folded arms on the market and you only get moved to the palm wine, lazy since then her. Maria was not lazy when she conceived Jesus.

After the breakfast, which comes with bread from Ndu and I brought with sourdough bread, Stephen and I go to Luz, a village about two miles from the parsonage.

houses in Lu

where we want the "Single Parents Group" meeting. Actually this is another department of the Family Life Office, but since we're there, it's also in our program. First we will visit the couple, which coordinates the Family Life work in Mfumte. It is one of those mud houses with earthen floor, but even with a corrugated iron roof. We are joyfully received and are happy that they are aware of our visit. The children are very visible from the house me and even to shake hands. so here especially the smaller ones and peep shyly through her dirty little fingers to the "Mabuli" she photographed, and they themselves can look at my camera.

"Mabuli" I am called by the children and elderly people ahead of me or it echoes, because from every house the children come running up, waving. "Mabuli" is in the language of Lu's and is called "pure man". "Ma" person / people and means "bubu" purely clean. The meaning is very interesting. A white man is so pure and clean, while a black man is referred to simply as black.
Lu is a language in Mfumte. For there are three major tribes, each with its own language and understand each other can not. The two km remote communication is referred to also Lus, but a different dialect, but can be understood by people from Luz. It is amazing that in a parish three totally different languages and are not even talking a lot of older people pidgin English.
We walk through the village to the little church in the area called Usa (pronounced with short o, Usǒ). The church is so small because the majority of the 4,000 residents of Luz and in the whole parish Baptists are only 130 Catholics. The missionary in Mfumte started in 1935 by the Baptists.

We are at half past ten in the church. Actually, on time, as the meeting was scheduled for eight clock. It is only a father present. So let's look at the new and first Catholic Primary School ". Here 100 children are taught, of which only 15 can pay the school fees themselves. The rest is supported by the Family Life Office. There are five teachers for two classes of the Nursery School and the 6 classes of the Primary School. Up to the fifth and sixth grade are two classes taught by a teacher.
After several times the bell was rung, the people gradually arrive, eight of 12 members. Of the twelve members are only three Catholic, because our program is built but after the Catholic doctrine, but to all people oriented, need help.

We start the meeting with a presentation by me. Stephen speaks in Pidgin, which is then translated again in all Lus. We let ourselves informed of all activities, which they did last year. The group has a capital of 250,000 Francs. It does not mean that individuals borrow money to pay back because they can not. Therefore, it was already determined last year that only the group can act as a whole with the money. We can tell us how much peanuts, oil, gasoline bought them and resold profitably. What is missing is the interest rate. For each loan has an interest will be paid by the end of the year, for example, bought food and distributing it among members.

is also a misconception. They thought namely, that capital is allocated among the Members and listed accordingly, no new members, so there are only twelve. In Next year they are to start again.

After the meeting, I'm still photos. Even though I have not said much, I get told how good but the meeting is run, because I was there. We get as a thank you gift bag sweet potatoes.

This is a grandmother with her two-year-old grandchild. Since the mother died, she must now take on the role of mother. It works quite old and weak, but I see in her face, the love with which she takes care of the child. As I still just to say "God bless you".

After that, I would like to see the market of Lu. This is not much going on, because market day only once every eight days. A few people sit in the shade, as the only policeman of Lu, who is sitting playing cards outside his office. There

the middle of the market, a stone pedestal, on which the Fon, or can his representative to make a speech. The Fon is the chief or king of the village. If the Fon rises to the podium, it may not touched by anyone and are not allowed to speak except for the Fon.

While we drink a beer is, just this deputy and want to talk to us. He is doing very important and Stephen holds a short speech, which makes the Family Life Office Sun Even though I have the impression that the deputy did not understand much, it's good that we have spoken to him.

On the way I photograph a couple of women who are engaged in producing clay bricks. This is namely the task of women, one of many tasks of women.
edit educate farm women, children, and we also cook the grass to cover the roofs. The man is only the finished blocks together and cover the roof. Then he can say that he built a house and perhaps take another wife, or send away the old woman if she is lazy. Otherwise, his life confined to palm wine drinking and making of children.

also something for which the Church struggles: the equality between spouses.

After lunch, rice and beans, I should rest. But I'm not there to sleep. So I start writing the report, take a walk and visit Father Edwin the fire wood columns.

impressions of the walk:

evening wears Father Pontiatus back from his trip. He is very young and before dinner, he tells of his experiences. The village, which he has sought should, according to some locals for half an hour from the road are, but it was a four-hour walk including through chest deep rivers. The people have mostly never heard of the Catholic Church.

The population of a village had to be thought of like this: Quite a lot of old people and young children more with their mothers. The men go away, if they can, or Douala to Yaounde. Life in the slums of large cities also offers a higher chance of a bit of money. Occasionally, as for Christmas, they visit their village. They come as men of the city with a little money for which it is easy to find a girl. Thus, the HIV virus is spreading in the most remote villages.

Globalization does not stop here. It is not at all the people who live happily with their religious nature. Therefore, it is good that at least the churches in these villages take to create a perspective in life and spread moral ideas of the modern world. Because the state is not expected. The UN currently provides advice on whether the villages in the mountains to Nigeria or Cameroon. The limits are in fact not entirely clear since independence.

Then we come to Germany to talk about democracy and so on.

The next morning, the program starts, so we actually got the transfer of tools for young people who start an apprenticeship as a carpenter. They should be ceremoniously in a mess hall, which is scheduled for nine clock. At half past ten we go. Father Pontiatus keeps the show alone, because Father Edwin spontaneously to the funeral a child's needs, which has given me the day before on the road or hands. Here there is a different relationship to death, especially in children.

The three would-be carpenters come from poor families. your Parents are either dead or on the basis of disease is not able to earn money. The Family Life Office is funding the tuition of many orphans, but what about after school? A university degree does not mean that one will find a job.

Pontiatus Father blesses the tools and before it comes to pass, I will give a speech. The biggest concern, namely, whether the tools are also used for the purposes intended and are not sold by any uncle. A tool kit will cost 70 000 francs (110 €). Since the money comes from the diocese of Limburg and I am the representative quasi, it is my job to encourage people to use responsibly the tools, and to convey that I came from Germany to see how and if they used the funds.

my speeches in English are always better, because this is expected at each event that they say something. Everything is filmed and I do not know how many times they have played the part with my speech this afternoon on the television in the rectory.

The tools are presented and then have very many pictures are taken with my camera, because everyone wants his picture in the report appears in Germany. So here are the pictures:

After all photographed, we meet the youth in the church to make our program of education and AIDS. This time, just says Stephen, because the children speak and understand Pidgin better than English. Then there is food. Two families of the lucky recipients tools have prepared food, from which we have two months might be enough: Fufu, chicken and goat meat, which I did not try. For it looks as if the goat at a time and then grilled over an open fire was cut into small pieces. Then in any case can close the black skin which, though of the Cameroonians in effort, but chewed happily.

Since we can not eat anything, are the other church-goers satisfied. Then we will get presents gifts: A Cock and plantains.

Now it gets a bit stressful, because we have to hurry to be on time even in Kumbo. I still prefer to quickly and Stephen loads the bike. The bag can sweet potatoes we leave some impossible and the tap all we need for Christmas. This may hang in a bag under the rear rack in front of the exhaust. It is indeed a very ugly cock, but he did not deserve it now. But he will survive the journey.

As with my backpack to the luggage mountain as high as I have even cleared out, all realize that the banana on it do not fit really. So we say goodbye to everyone and make our way home.

We take this time a different road, the worse. The advantage is that it has less slope and I must not descend so often and run up the hill, the downside is that the road a lot stony and studded with more boulders than the outward journey.

We are gathering dust at sunset in Kumbo on.

The trip was worth it and I will definitely come again to Mfumte.

Regards Maximilian

Friday, December 24, 2010

Chandaleir Bed Spread

Feliz Navidad!

Hello my friends!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas! Celebrating . Schoen
I Papallakta and the photos of the Christmas celebration at Camp Hope have added. Of course, we also

had a Christmas party in our project. Have
currently do not have time to write about it, but I think rich photos also:).

We also went swimming yesterday (12/24/2010) in the morning with our team in a Hosteria, eat and drink;).

morning I drive five other volunteers to Atacames to the beach and I'm only at 2.01. again!
So a good start:)

Greetings from the sunny
Ambato (snow on Christmas is indeed overestimated total)!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rabbits That Died During Spaying

Papallakta, extract & Christmas!

Hola a todos!

So now happened again so much! Last weekend I was
with Felix (another volunteer) in Papallakta! There are warm to hot baths, which are heated by a volcano.
order must get to go there one of Tumbaco from a bus in direction East. Then you drive about an hour by a stunning natural to the little town Papallakta where you can lie in the different pools, surrounded of very high mountains and volcanoes and many beautiful nature.

I'm also pulled out last week, finally! While it has been all moved back, but last Tuesday it was finally time! And it does matter is often different from what you think. Although I always wanted to move out unbedinngt, but I thought that a statement would be indeed a consolation prize, a change of the project would replace it. Now I live in my family and I supergluecklich there. During the week, only the parents, I so would appreciate at home to mid-50s. On weekends, it sometimes by the children, under the Weeks living in Quito. This I know as yet. So now I have 2 sisters and a brother in Germany and exactly the same in Ecuador).
My host siblings are 18, 21 and 23 years old. I am so excited to meet her, I think of Christmas they will come.
Well anyway we are then on Tuesday night directly to the car (they have a bug: o) down) to the mall to shop and where I could pick a lot of food. Now there is finally for me not only rice with chicken and chicken with rice but dairy products and cereals for breakfast! It is true halt ... Eating is very happy!
addition they have a hot shower with plenty of water! The house is also very cozy atmosphere. At the moment, of course, a big plastic Christmas tree stands with incredibly colorful, flashing lights and tinsel in the living room. He can play several Christmas songs that I praesentiuerte my host father proud. There are still a carousel that plays a different song and rotates about 30cm high and a lighted Ferris wheel, the course is still playing music to a third. Besides the Christmas tree is a table on which the crib is set up. All around is also a colorful garland. Even if it is a very different and much stronger decoration, as is customary in Germany, came on for the first time a little Christmas spirit.

Now I have one more week and work on 24/12/2010 I get it free after half a day's work and was thinking to put 1.3.2011 free. Probably I'm going from the 26.12. to Canoa to the coast and then stay there until 02.01. but that is not yet as accurate.

Yesterday we had our Christmas party at Camp Hope, a volunteer in the work of our organization. In the project live and learn physically and especially mentally disabled children, together with healthy children. Yesterday, we then designed an entire day for these children.
All children were divided into different groups and these groups were each assigned to volunteers. Then we have various activities carried out by our group. We made music and Christmas carols sung, they were read the fairy tale Snow White, we have crafted lanterns and cookies baked.
Finally, we then have played up all our children a drama in which I'm a reindeer. Father Christmas from the piece still has gifts for all the children what the children have enjoyed incredible. All in all it was a great Christmas party for children and for us.

the moment I'm still in Tumbaco because I once slept in my old host family. Nacher I go along with another volunteer from Quito to us about the prices for informing the Galapagosinselns.
Next week we have on 21.12. then the Christmas party with the children from our project. 190 children are expected and I think it will be some parents. Since I'm curious. Am 23.12. then we go eat together with our team. And then I've also soon holidays!

hasta pronto:)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rib Cage Sentence Tattoo

Nobody said it was easy ....

... no one ever said it wants to be this hard;) So now I have it too. Leave with almost a month ago and got completely tired Verspaetungung my interim report. I do not know whether to part become too subjective, but there are so nunmal my personal experiences!
Diligent readers of this blog know my working day and most other information from the interim report already, but it might interest you, yes still:).

First Interim Report for the ICJA:

Now it's about three months since I left Germany for the project "Chicos de la calle" the Salesianos on the farm near to work from Ambato.

live in the street children project 18 boys between 11 and 16, eigeteilt in two families, each live in a bungalow.
In a similar bungalow and I live with another German volunteers.
live here otherwise, the project manager and two national volunteers to sleep but in each one of the families of the boys.
During the day come a psychologist, a social worker and two interns in the project.

Here I was fully clamped directly into the everyday work. At first, my working hours from 6.00 am until around 22h in the evening. It was very cold, as in the German winter. We only had cold showers at night and it was still sleeping bags, blankets and many many clothes very cold because my window over an approximately 1.5 cm large slit was moved by the wind. So it was a very different situation than I was accustomed to. Nevertheless, I can not claim to have had a culture shock. I had myself presented here contrast in comparison to Europe.
general, I felt welcome in the project though, I have my job and my responsibility, but only during the first few weeks realized it was missing a bit of an introduction.
meantime have changed my working hours, there is hot water and my window was sealed.

My day begins at 8:30 clock. In the morning I'll help with the other volunteers of the social worker. My task is then for example the files of the boys living here to check the completeness or vervollstanedigen on the computer. Sometimes we visit families of the children who come to school to project. Wednesdays and the other German volunteers go to schools and I live here the boys to us to inquire about their school performance, social habits, their punctuality and attendance.
lunch I prepare it with the other Frewilligen the front of the dining room for about 70-100 children who come to do after school for dinner and homework. After I supervise the food distribution then officially a homework group. In fact we are often too few workers, so I also help other groups in need, which on the one hand by the number of children and through the language barrier, only limited good is possible.
go in the afternoon the children outside then back to their families, and they need every day, the help of a volunteer to cross the main road. Then a volunteer preparing the "coffee drinking" for the boys before. The children who live in the project often need more time to do their homework. Later we will drive with the kids sports or are teaching the children to other activities. The other German Volunteers and I have, for example together a graffiti AG founded. The children do have good laugh, but can not concentrate long often or can be motivated only briefly and then have no desire or want to do something else. It's generally very hard with a group of nearly 18 boys something on the legs.
After the AG or the sporting activities need the guys take a shower then. When I first heard that the children be punished for misconduct with Essensendzug, I was shocked, but now I know that you have a few possibilities. So it is in the shower. The children have no desire to shower, but the children not to shower, get no food.
After the meal together, then we organize the "Buenas Noches". There, the children, for example, reflect on their day, we create bracelets, watch a movie or teach them some English or German. Sometimes the guys have to do homework at night also.
ends By 22 clock then my working day, unless the children have to do homework or longer than planned, the film will take a while, then my day can take sometimes up to 22:30.
This week I'm free but on two mornings, because otherwise I'm working too many hours. Normally, I between 30 and 40 hours and not work more than 8 hours per day. Therefore is likely to change even more in my working hours.

The long working hours and work with young people is very tiring. It is sad and discouraging, that we get for our work, little recognition, such as the boss. On the other hand, much is criticism if something does not run optimally.
general, we have a lot of responsibility for the young people and are often alone with them, which means that we take full responsibility for 18 headstrong youth.
often lack the support of trained and experienced staff and volunteers to take over the tasks that would have to actually take over the main workers.

fact is that we live in the project and in the country it is very difficult, apart from the weekend to get clearance from the project. The boy is not interested namely particularly when we have free and when we work. They constantly knocking at our door.
For this reason, a spatial separation from the project and the Arts in this project is recommended.

Also my role as the only woman in a close contact, both through the lives and is on the other by the long hours the boy is to be considered very ambivalent. On the one hand, it is my opinion, very important for the young people to have a mother figure, on the other hand, I can not replace the mother of 18 young boys. In addition, the boys often make ambiguous comments and look for my physical closeness.
Perhaps this project is more suitable for male volunteers. Even a little more life experience, or an already completed vocational training would help me I think in some situations.
When I worked closer before my departure to the project have and get more information from the volunteers had, at that time were still living here in the project I had the idea of children who live here because they have no family. In fact, almost all children have a family and live here on the farm, because they have problems with their families. Many children are very aggressive and violent situation here I was quite shocked at the beginning.
The problem is that it's pretty difficult to get a good relationship with the children is to be established, based on respect.

My preparation has helped me some. For example a boy had bought a bracelet with a rake Kreutz, because he simply good gefiehl, without knowing the backgrounds. In the explanation of the meaning of course the history of Germany was discussed. Although I previously was aware that the issue would confront me here in abroad, I personally felt ashamed, but was still happy that this issue was before the preparatory seminar already been raised and discussed.

All in all, there are just but internal problems in my project and I am therefore not always happy with that but I am happy that I met over a year ago, the decision to volunteer service for the purpose of a learning service to make, because I believe this very have learned a lot for my life too!

Monday, December 6, 2010

What Gift For Home Wedding Mature Couples

St. Joseph's Secondary School Lassine

Once a week, usually on Fridays, I go with Stephen from the Family Life Office in a school in the diocese .
A school would just like to describe in more detail. We were in Lassine what near the village Nkor content. But the ride on the cross bike lasts two hours. With a car it would take longer. For me as a passenger, it is beautiful but the landscape observed. I wear a rain poncho over my clothes because of the road dust.

In Lassine I had not noticed that we are in a school, as we drive into the yard. The school existed only since one year.
There is a wooden shed, are taught in the form I and II and from a building Mud bricks, which come under the form of classes III to V.
We are warmly received, although no one can recall having received a letter with the announcement of our visit. This usually happens almost always when we come into a school.
But one is spontaneous and the form classes II and III will be informed that the provider should be present in a classroom. In the meantime
shows us the principal, Gilbert, the foundation for the future classrooms. Unfortunately, there are no toilets. You still are not planned, because once the classrooms built.

We keep our presentation to the 98 students. It starts with an introduction such as human life is created, that is enlightenment. What happens at puberty, which in sexual intercourse. Then comes the question of what this can threaten human life. And we go to different things, such as abortion, disease, and of course AIDS. How do you put in with HIV? How is the disease? And what about an AIDS test?

in society or in their parents' generation sex is often still a taboo. The children are told nothing and the prostitution of girls is very high. There is widespread that sex is only for satisfaction of the man. Although many men today officially married only once, it is common for a few friends to have. The married women is the way it does not matter if her husband is sleeping with other women when they get the money to maintain herself and the children. This obviously a great extent to the spread of HIV.
We try to give students an awareness that we deal responsibly with his body and sexuality and sex should not have to share with everyone.
And of course, the students get opportunity to ask questions. The question was from a girl: "Can we also infected with AIDS, if you do not its Days has got "- What is the saying? If it was not yet in puberty, it is better to sleep with any man.
As the Family Life Office only has the possibility of one or two plays to get to a school, we are building clubs. A group of students may be with a teacher that are used by us with material, the content they distribute among the others.

After our talk, we are invited in the staff room for a beer and peanuts. The staff room is located under the mango tree consisting of a bank.

the old and the new staff room - The school principal, his wife and 2 teachers

I get something telling about the school: As I said, it exists for a year. In the first year the school had 300 students, only 18 teachers. That there is so far away from Kumbo in a small village a school allows many children to attend secondary school. There are also two married women who already have several children, and now in second grade, because they have started last year with the school.
The fee is quite low at 35 000 francs per year (50 €). However, it is difficult for many to pay, because half of the students orphans are living with their grandparents or other relatives.
It's nice to see how much effort the teachers and above all, the principal couple.

We say goodbye and make our way back.