Hello dear friends and family,
as the title says, I've gotten used to living here pretty fast. Today I let time pass in review the last week and you can dip a little in the life of a EVSlers .
On Monday, we should prepare actually a scouting trip for school children. Unfortunately, it was nothing because the children come until next week. So Monday abgammel was day. I was a little Ramon Krekenava and then I watched the Olympics. What a work day. However, I was really disappointed and hope that this situation becomes the standard.
Fortunately, I was already on Tuesday proved wrong. By Lina and Roberto it went to regional park control. Very exciting, very interesting.
On Wednesday, I should have my first Lithuanian hour. Unfortunately, it was a meeting with Small-Talk. My teacher made a sympathetic impression. I will see in the future, whether this confirmed. After the meeting we explored with Loreta the city. She showed us different grocer. After a visit to the city library, we ran home and I spent the rest of the day with housework. Jaja . Washing clothes and stuff. Mom? Where are you;)
Thursday we got a real Frimelarbeit . We created templates for different view points. Letters cut out of course, is exactly my world. We are then brought it pretty well behind us.
Friday should then wait for proper forest work for us. The trees and shrubs are trimmed on the Executive Board had. All the staff helped and the day passed relatively quickly. From lunch to school. Once there we were told that we the students during our time here cook typical dishes from Germany and Spain may. As well, I found myself once again misunderstood. Prost meal. Mommy, Omi ? Where you at? Well . The problem is already solved. Friday night I explored with Margit (Austria), Elise (France), Eva and Fred (both Germany), the nightlife in Panevezys . I was really surprised. No mainstream - Dress code for young people. All this fully. All fully on leave. All differently. Only the DJ was not the Kracher . If you have no sense of rhythm , one should refrain from playing on Bongos ;.)
All in all a great evening.
This WE was dominated by the chill . Actually I have not done much. Saturday Eve got a guided tour of a local. Since I was just connected. Now I know the city at least a little. In the evening I looked Soccer and bums in Inet rum. Nix great. Today was even more Faullenzertag . Sunday indicated.
So you love. That's it for this week already. Next Week I will tell of great things. I promise!