it the sixth August 2010. We sit in the airplane in the direction of Douala, which is indeed started at a late hour from Paris, but proves to be very comfortable. Particularly impressive is our hours of flight over the Sahara, the endless expanse of sand dunes interspersed with lifeless landscape. 20
clock, it is pitch dark, but some lights to show us that Douala extends over a large area.
far, everything went well. Yes
until now, because we hardly have landed on Cameroonian soil, we will once embraced by an unimaginable closeness to rule, which we will not let go for (28 ° C, 98% humidity). On the skin forms a layer of condensation water at once, everything sticks.
before the passport control is aware that we are almost the only white people seem to be at the airport. At the baggage claim we are already by a rather pushy nice people received, the absolutely must push our case. Well, after leisurely half an hour, the last case rolls on the baggage carousel, ready to go. Out to Douala and our friends from Kumbo meet!
Easier said than done. As soon as we came through the door, a growing number of our companions steadily up to about eight people who want to know all of who and where we want to pick us up.
Since we are not exactly the center of a cluster of people quietly and the airport in Douala, the size of an average station has, we are not to be overlooked, but unfortunately nobody comes up to us to greet us or at least holding up a sign. After another half hour, we finally get to make clear to all that we do not want a taxi and that we will be picked up.
latest then try all the men around us to try out the phone numbers that we have to offer. With the result that the cellphone number of Bernard, our leaders from Kumbo, "n'existe pas".
We are treated very preferred and performed only once in the airport's café. After several hours of countless attempts by us and by the Cameroonians to meet someone who talks with a nice policeman, and the wildest suggestions of what to do now, we realize that we are perhaps not yet picked up. The situation in Cameroon is the first experience is not for nothing called later by a priest as "our baptism of fire": You sit alone with all his luggage in a small airport in Cameroon, do not know where and whom to trust. In short: We felt pretty lost.
Several times we are told that the airport closes at some point and we can not stay there. At some point, we decide but to respond to the proposals and we look to a cheap hotel for the night.
But, thank God, we meet at the exit to a Catholic priest and a woman, waiting in turn to two guests from Spain.
What luck! It is a very rich woman from Cameroon who is friendly and offers us to stay with her.
night by three clock we can enjoy our first Cameroonian food. For us, a huge menu is moved up. But since the family is rich, there are many western products: rice, potatoes, French red wine, but Cameroon sches chicken and vegetables (including beans, tomatoes, cabbage).
there after four hours of sleep in a comfortable room to breakfast and what a surprise, Bernard comes to us. The priest has appealed to the Bishop of Kumbo morning and was very surprised at where we are. Because of a breakdown could Bernard and the driver in time at the airport. Moreover, they were in a dead zone, so that we can not reach you. In a few months, we'll say. "Typically Cameroon" and adopt
We are grateful to the woman and her family, which we have been so nice. Now could be the trip to Kumbo start actually, but we have rainy season. That means it's raining and that about as much as a strong storm in Germany, only for several hours and several times on day. So we wait. A clock we can finally go, but before we visit the sister of Bernard and their families who feel very honored that we visit her house. But unfortunately, I'm so tired I can not summon the concentration to follow the African English master of the house. The discussion of the Cameroon health and how beneficial is the German health insurance yet, so we can comment on Brigitte. But this much I can say that the Germans are praised above all: "The Germans are a model for everything, because they work very hard. If you look at their own bridges and buildings that have built the Germans! So very different than the French. "The German colonial period is so consistently good memories.
After we've finished our French strawberry milk, but it's finally going in the direction Bamenda. The road is paved! This spring, made several new sections, we are told.
We drive past banana, cocoa and coffee plantations, mainly bananas. The further we go, the colder it is, because in the "North-West, since it is cold". It's like "winter without snow." We find it pleasant.
Cameroon is so green!
The road itself is a story worth. Just this: In Cameroon, there are no traffic rules, but still manages our drivers driving around with over 100 km / h around every pothole and every goat. Especially we are uneasy one, when the left lane into a left turn uphill moves (because it has this side of the road not as many potholes) and meets a one truck. But that's what a horn. So before a bend or overtaking is always honked.
You come from one village to the next, actually, the entire street lined with houses. At each Straßenhubbel are women and children and sell Cameroonian fast food: bananas and cassava, which is a root vegetable, shelled, dried, then boiled to a pulp, and finally cold rolled to a sausage a solid, white mass. The consistency is firm and it tastes sour (used to). Cassava is packed in palm leaves.
We unfortunately do not make it to this day driving to Kumbo, as is at six-thirty it was dark and it is very dangerous to drive at night. Therefore, we stay in a small hotel in Bamenda.
Fast Food: FILLED
goat stomach
goat stomach
It's very nice that in this hotel has electricity, but the generator is so loud that you can only sleep ear plugs.
go the next morning we start early. The worse the roads, the closer we get to our destination: Kumbo!
For the first week to Wednesday are likely to guests of the Bishop and we live in the bishop's palace.
I will soon report on our initial experience Kumbo!
Regards Maximilian
Kathetrale with the center
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